Sunday 3 April 2011

Sunday afternoon in Zagreb

There’s not much to do in my neighbourhood except live, so on weekends I try to get out of the apartment and go into town to wander around in a wider circle than my day-to-day routes and routines. Yesterday, for example, after doing a couple of hours’ work (marking midterms, reading recent scholarly articles about the novels I will teach) I went into the centre. Did I mention how gorgeous the weather is? 20 degrees and colourful. This magnolia tree is in Trg Tomislav (he's the guy on the horse).

 There was some sort of festival/display going on in the main square, Trg Bana J. Jelacia (does anyone know how to find the Croatian diacritics in Word?). There was singing and dancing and accordian music.

For a moment it felt like I was back at Oktoberfest in Kitchener, and, indeed, I think I did experience a version of Croatian multiculturalism. It appeared that displays were set up to showcase products and activities associated with different regions in Croatia (maybe also nearby countries, but I wasn’t sure).

There were references to hiking and, um, bear hunting? There was food and drink—lots of honey and various cordials made from fruits. Felted wool products such as hats and slippers. Dried herbs.

This one is for Victoria: it’s advertising a frog museum!

In the evening I came home (after skyping with Arlequino at the Gradska Kavana), made dinner (chicken stirfry) and watched the sun set over Novi Zagreb.

Today I am in the old town. I climbed up the 13th century Lotrscak Tower from which a cannon is fired every single day at precisely noon. This is the view.

Later, after enjoying this superb and gorgeous coffee I will go to a Museum. But which one?

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